Year 1



Miss N De Jesus

teaching assistant

Miss C Clarke


8:40am - 3.15pm


An introduction...

Our topics this year are as follows: All about me, Around the World, Toys, Seasonal Changes, Let’s Grow and Coast to Country. During these topics, the children will gain an understanding through discussion, research and a range of learning activities about history, countries and environments in the world around them. Our Science topics this year are as follows: The Human Body, Animals including Humans, Everyday Materials, Seasonal Changes, Plants and Habitats. 

We pride ourselves on our uniform

Children should all come to school wearing full school uniform: a plain grey jumper (with or without the school logo), black shoes, black trousers/skirt and a white polo shirt. P.E. kit should be brought into school on Monday and is taken home on Fridays. Children should have a white P.E. top, shorts and trainers or plimsolls.

Home School Diaries

These are used to communicate between parents and teachers. Please write a note when your child has read and comment on their understanding of the text. We really appreciate as much reading as you are able to do with your child. When they have read, please ask them questions about what they have read to make sure they understand the text.


The children should be completing their reading at least three times a week to ensure practice. Once children are fluent on the book they are reading, these will be changed. 

In June, your child will take part in the government Phonic Screening test. This will test your child’s phonic ability, e.g. the ability to decode and read real and nonsense words. The pass mark for this last year was 32 out of 40. We teach daily phonics lessons from 8.45-9.25 so please ensure your child is punctual as this is valuable teaching time. To support your child with phonics at home please see the back of their reading diaries for a sound mat and tricky word list. Reading regularly at home and encouraging your child to ‘sound-out’ decodable words, e.g. d-o-g, f-r-o-g, t-r-ai-n, p-ea–ch will help to support them.