Miss C Clarke and Miss K Howard
Our history and geography units this year are as follows: ‘The United Kingdon’, ‘Florence Nightingale’, ‘flying and gliding’, ‘castles’, ‘Jamaica’ and ‘Animals around the world’. These topics, the children will gain an understanding through discussion, research and a range of learning activities about history, countries and environments in the world around them. Our Science topics this year are The needs of Animals and Humans, Keeping Healthy, The Uses of Materials, Living Things and their Habitats, and Plants.
Children should all come to school wearing full school uniform: a plain grey jumper (with or without the school logo), black shoes, black trousers/skirt and a white polo shirt. Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send children to school with their kit on a Monday and these can be taken home on a Friday. Children should have a white P.E. top, shorts and trainers or plimsolls.
These are used to communicate between parents and teachers. Please write a note when your child has read and comment on their understanding of the text. We really appreciate as much reading as you are able to do with your child. When they have read, please ask them questions about what they have read to make sure they understand the text.
Spellings will be given out each week on a Friday and children will be tested on these the following Friday. You will find your child’s spellings in their Home School Diary that they will stick in each week. We ask that children practise their times tables a minimum of 3 times a week and that children are listened to read, each day, for a minimum of 10 minutes. Each week, children’s spelling scores will be written in to their Home School Diaries.